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Register to Consign


be a Team Member

Register here as a new or returning CONSIGNOR or TEAM MEMBER!


There is a $10 non-refundable/non-transferable consignor fee paid at registration for new and returning consignors.  Fee can be paid through PayPal or by check.  Consignors earn 65% (become a Team Member & earn 70%) of your selling items.  Please note that your registration is not complete until your payment is received.  Once payment is received you will be able to access our online tagging system.

For the upcoming SALE 

â–ªConsignors will put their own items out in the store in the proper location –  We will have Team Members available to assist Consignors on where items belong.


â–ª200 limit Item Count – consignors can increase the item limit by signing up for RESTOCK-drop off 25 additional tagged items and/or sign up for End-of-Sale sort shift and get an additional 50 items.


â–ª15 pairs of shoes, 35 premie-12mos clothing items, 10 maternity clothing items (sign up for RESTOCK and bring in an additional 25 items of your choice CLICK HERE to register)


â–ªDrop Off - Friday 3/14 -2-6pm,

                      Saturday 3/15 -9am-3pm

                       Sunday 3/16 - 9am – 3pm

                 Consignors MUST pick a “Check-in” time in order to drop off items.


â–ªConsignor Shopping - Tuesday  10am-7pm


â–ªTeam Member Shopping- Monday times vary (12pm-7pm). See Team Member Incentives for full details.

Team Member registration will open in a few weeks prior to the sale.


Consignor Pick Up - Sunday after the sale from 9am- 3pm - all items not picked by 3pm on Sunday(at the end of the sale) will be donated.

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